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                Product center
                Privide you forPlastic crusherPlastic grinding machineHigh-speed mixerTearing Crusher...。
                Plastic crusher
                Central reclamation of solid materials, thick bulky parts. heavy wall fittings, thick qurgins, blocks, rods, high impact applications, haystack film, ...
                Plastic grinding machine
                ZM-550 thermoplastic plastic mill is developed by our factory consulting to oversea advanced technology. It can crush thermoplastic plastic in normal temperature..
                High-speed mixer
                It is used in mixing,drying,colouring and other processing. It is the most ideal equipment for producing shaped plastic material and plastics pipes...
                Tearing Crusher
                Tearing CrusherIs a kind of used for coarse crushing machine, commonly used in processing raw materials or leftover material pieces, making them more small size .
                This crusher is applicable to the crushing of polyethylene, polypropylene, nylon, project plastic, PPR scraps and inferiors of expanded polyvinyl materials or ejection nozzle, etc. If there are corresponding sieve pores,..
                SMP-400型高速涡Ψ 流Plastic grinding machine
                The factory absorbed advanced foreign technology and developed series high-speed eddy-current multipurpose powder mill. ...
                High-speed mixer(加热)
                It is used in mixing,stirring,drying,colouring and other processing of all kinds of materials in plastics,rubber,daily chemical and other industries....
                Tearing Crusher
                Tearing Crusher Commonly used in processing raw materials or leftover material.
                more product >>
                ABOUT US
                Zhangjiagang JingMa Machinery Co.Ltd. is located in prosperous and scenic National Civilized Sanitary City---Zhangjiagang City. It is nearby such economic centers as Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Changzhou, etc. It is neaby Zhangjiagang Free Trade Zone, the Yangtze International Chemistry Industrial Park, Nanjing-Taicang Expressway. Convenient transportation provides JingMa Machinery with unlimited power for development.